I Lost My Mind and Found My Calling

I'm gonna lose weight and complete an effin' SPARTAN RACE! 

This is going to be the biggest physical challenge of my life, but I'm doin' it. As of yesterday, I'm signed up to participate in the ultimate obstacle course race: The Spartan. Specifically, I'll be running the Spartan Sprint, their entry-level but still insane race. If you haven't heard of it, it's a race where goofballs like myself navigate our way through utterly nuts physical challenges that are mostly just about proving one's mettle, endurance and #noexcuses physicality honed over months or even years of dedicated practice.

I know that inside of my fatty exterior there's a strong woman who's ready to roar! 

That's where the title for my blog comes from. The Real Quinn. The "real" me has always been strong internally, but I've gone through periods of being super-fit and super-sluggish which contradict my internal sense of self. It's high time that I become a more consistent and have my physical self evidence my potential realized in a lasting way.

 Have I mentioned how out of shape that I am? I'm one hundred pounds overweight. I literally weigh an eighth of a ton. So, yeah, I must have lost my mind if I signed up for a Spartan race. Thankfully, it's nine months away.

I'll introduce myself and my blog more in the next posting, but in the meantime... AROO!


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