How Did I Get Here, and How Do I Escape?

I have an escape plan. You know, I just wanted to make that clear before I tell you the bite-sized version of my tale of woe.

I experienced trauma. I am an emotional eater. I chose the comfort of food over my prior habits of exercise and cleaner eating. I became a Jabba and gained a bunch of weight.

Now that that's out of the way (phew!) let me tell you more specifically what I need to escape, and how I'm gonna do it. First off, I started at 256.4 lbs. a week ago, so so far, so good.

Weight: 252.8 lbs.
Height: 5'6"

neck: 15.5"
chest: 47.5"
waist: 47.5"
hips: 52.5"
thigh (R): 27"
thigh (L): 28.5"
calf (R): 17"
calf (L): 18.5"
bicep (R): 15.5"
bicep (L): 15"

I'm gonna skip the starting photos for now, as I'd rather have something to compare those to, but you can probably guess from my measurements where I'm at physically. Where I need to get to by my Spartan Sprint race on December 9th is 170 lbs. or under, 39" chest, 34-36" waist, 42" hips. I've been there before, and that wasn't my fittest by a long shot. My fittest (not leanest) was 152 lbs., 36" chest, 32" waist, 40" hips.

Funny how I can't remember my friends' birthdays, but that I remember those numbers very well. They're burned into my brain. I met my husband at my fittest, and he met me at his. I believe that I can get back there, a year from now. The Spartan Sprint ain't in a year, though.

So I'm going to need to be strong enough to haul around 170 lbs. of mostly-muscle over some CRAZY obstacles. I used to be able to bench 90 lbs. but I know that I can best that (and must best that) in order to get through this course. Heck, I need to be able to do pull-ups! Aroo!

How I'll Escape the Fatness and Find My Way to Fitness
Month 1
1. Develop an idea of how many calories I should intake and how much work I should output to lose 170 lbs. by December 9th using the NIH Body Weight Planner. (Basically, I'm trying to lose 2 lbs. / week.)
2. Reduce my calories and make sure that what I eat is mostly composed of non-processed foods. I can't trust those processed foods to fuel my body right!
3. Drink 2L of water every day.
4. Use a community support system to get me through this - the forums at 3FC and at Nerd Fitness.
5. Start out by exercising 30m four times per week, progressively moving up from cardio workouts + body weight exercises to increase my stamina to weightlifting (I plan to start lifting again on March 15th).

I'll update you all as my plan develops, but for now my big goals to achieve by March 15th are to get down to 246.8 lbs. I want to be able to do 10 full pushups (whew - that's a lot of weight to push up!) and be able to get through 45 minutes of challenging interval rowing. Once I've gotten to that point, I know that I'll be body confident enough to do those barbell squats, chest presses and all that other good stuff that I miss so much.


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