The #noexcuses Hashtag

So, as I've obsessively pointed out over my first two posts, I'm going to be participating in a Spartan Sprint race on December 9th. That's a solid 41 weeks of training and weight loss away, so I believe that I can do it.

Well... most hours of the day I believe that I can do it.

There's a little monster in my head which likes to instill doubts and try to derail my diet, prevent me from working out, and generally continue to be a Jabba-like slug.

This is an every day sort of occurrence, which I've figured out is probably going to last me for at least the first couple of months of my weight loss journey, and will likely rear its ugly head again at some point down the line.

So how do I combat this?

With the #noexcuses hashtag. And usually a glass of water.

NO, SERIOUSLY. I've only been "dieting" and working out for a week and this monster tells me every day that being a Jabba is better than rowing or avoiding the free cookies at work. So, when my Jabba monster says "eat that - it'll make you feel better and tastes soooo good" I tell myself "NO EXCUSES." And then I fill up my water glass.

Hey. Whatever it takes. Let's just hope that I won't have to keep reminding myself like this every day for the next 41 weeks!


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