Getting Serious About Getting Serious

My diet has gone off the rails the last couple of days. That leads me to question - am I really committed to my lifestyle change? It's time to get serious about getting serious.

I want a major transformation from my current state. So, why haven't I been eating the way I should in order to get the results I want? I can only blame it on lack of willpower, and a "slippery slope" mentality. What I mean by "slippery slope" mentality is that at times, like yesterday, I treat my diet as though it's all or nothing. For example, I had a good breakfast, but then when we went to lunch I avoided the salad and went straight to ordering some pasta. The gnocchi was flippin' delicious, but that's beside the point. I treated that meal as though it was the gateway drug to taking heroin. I suddenly was okay with drinking 3 glasses of wine with lunch (!), 2 pints of beer at the train station bar later, 2 more pints of beer at a bar later that evening followed by a dinner of Korean food. OMG. I could have stopped at the pasta, but nooooooo. I slid down the slippery slope and proved myself to be a wreckless eater.

So, what is left for me to do? How do I get my willpower back?

I think that it's time that I shame myself. Below are my "before" photos taken on February 20th. I'm pretty sure I still look just like that, since my diet has been so up and down. Yes, I've made some progress with having lost a couple of inches from my waist and 1.5 inches from my hips since then, but on the whole I look the same.

Boom. So, I did that.

How do I feel? Well, looking at these photos does serve me with a dose of reality. It's not enough to wish yourself smaller. I have no choice but to do the work to make myself smaller. And that means that I need to strictly adhere to a new way of eating. I need to not let one meal derail my entire day or weekend. I need to really hustle. In fact, I can think of a way that I can do that right now.

I have time to do my cardio workout for today, so I'll row for 30 minutes on my rowing machine. I can also plan what I'm going to eat for lunch so that I eat something appropriate and not random or "convenient." I also can take new photos every couple of weeks to track my progress. As I lose weight, I'm sure that I'll see some changes for the better. I need to not just shame myself into action, but be happy for the progress that I accomplish!


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